Source code for onlinejudge.service.codeforces

# Python Version: 3.x
the module for Codeforces (

:note: There is the offcial API

import datetime
import json
import re
import string
import urllib.parse
from typing import *

import bs4

import onlinejudge._implementation.logging as log
import onlinejudge._implementation.testcase_zipper
import onlinejudge._implementation.utils as utils
import onlinejudge.dispatch
import onlinejudge.type
from onlinejudge.type import *

[docs]class CodeforcesService(onlinejudge.type.Service):
[docs] def login(self, *, get_credentials: onlinejudge.type.CredentialsProvider, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> None: """ :raises LoginError: """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() url = '' # get resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) if resp.url != url: # redirected'You have already signed in.') return # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) form = soup.find('form', id='enterForm') log.debug('form: %s', str(form)) username, password = get_credentials() form = utils.FormSender(form, url=resp.url) form.set('handleOrEmail', username) form.set('password', password) form.set('remember', 'on') # post resp = form.request(session) resp.raise_for_status() if resp.url != url: # redirected log.success('Welcome, %s.', username) else: log.failure('Invalid handle or password.') raise LoginError('Invalid handle or password.')
[docs] def get_url_of_login_page(self) -> str: return ''
[docs] def is_logged_in(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> bool: session = session or utils.get_default_session() url = '' resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session, allow_redirects=False) return resp.status_code == 302
[docs] def get_url(self) -> str: return ''
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Codeforces'
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional['CodeforcesService']: # example: # example: result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if result.scheme in ('', 'http', 'https') \ and result.netloc == '': return cls() return None
[docs] def iterate_contest_data(self, *, is_gym: bool = False, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> Iterator['CodeforcesContestData']: session = session or utils.get_default_session() url = '{}'.format('true' if is_gym else 'false') resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) timestamp = data = json.loads(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding)) assert data['status'] == 'OK' for row in data['result']: yield CodeforcesContestData._from_json(row, response=resp, session=session, timestamp=timestamp)
[docs] def iterate_contests(self, *, is_gym: bool = False, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> Iterator['CodeforcesContest']: for data in self.iterate_contest_data(is_gym=is_gym, session=session): yield data.contest
[docs]class CodeforcesContestData(ContestData): # yapf: disable def __init__( self, *, contest: 'CodeforcesContest', duration_seconds: int, frozen: bool, name: str, phase: str, relative_time_seconds: int, response: requests.Response, session: requests.Session, start_time_seconds: int, timestamp: datetime.datetime, type: str # TODO: in Python 3.5, you cannnot use both "*" and trailing "," ): # yapf: enable self._contest = contest self.duration_seconds = duration_seconds self.frozen = frozen self._name = name self.phase = phase self.relative_time_seconds = relative_time_seconds self._response = response self._session = session self.start_time_seconds = start_time_seconds self._timestamp = timestamp self.type = type @property def contest(self) -> 'CodeforcesContest': return self._contest @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def json(self) -> bytes: return self._response.content @property def response(self) -> requests.Response: return self._response @property def session(self) -> requests.Session: return self._session @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: return self._timestamp @classmethod def _from_json(cls, row: Dict[str, Any], *, response: requests.Response, session: requests.Session, timestamp: datetime.datetime) -> 'CodeforcesContestData': return CodeforcesContestData( contest=CodeforcesContest(contest_id=row['id']), duration_seconds=int(row['durationSeconds']), frozen=row['frozen'], name=row['name'], phase=row['phase'], relative_time_seconds=int(row['relativeTimeSeconds']), response=response, session=session, start_time_seconds=int(row['startTimeSeconds']), timestamp=timestamp, type=row['type'], )
[docs]class CodeforcesContest(onlinejudge.type.Contest): """ :ivar contest_id: :py:class:`int` :ivar kind: :py:class:`str` must be `contest` or `gym` """ def __init__(self, *, contest_id: int, kind: Optional[str] = None): assert kind in (None, 'contest', 'gym') self.contest_id = contest_id if kind is None: if self.contest_id < 100000: kind = 'contest' else: kind = 'gym' self.kind = kind
[docs] def get_url(self) -> str: return '{}/{}'.format(self.kind, self.contest_id)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional['CodeforcesContest']: result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if result.scheme in ('', 'http', 'https') \ and result.netloc == '': table = {} table['contest'] = r'/contest/([0-9]+).*'.format() # example: table['gym'] = r'/gym/([0-9]+).*'.format() # example: for kind, expr in table.items(): m = re.match(expr, utils.normpath(result.path)) if m: return cls(contest_id=int(, kind=kind) return None
[docs] def get_service(self) -> CodeforcesService: return CodeforcesService()
[docs] def list_problem_data(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List['CodeforcesProblemData']: session = session or utils.get_default_session() url = '{}&from=1&count=1'.format(self.contest_id) resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) timestamp = data = json.loads(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding)) assert data['status'] == 'OK' return [CodeforcesProblemData._from_json(row, response=resp, session=session, timestamp=timestamp) for row in data['result']['problems']]
# TODO: why is "type: ignore" required?
[docs] def list_problems(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List['CodeforcesProblem']: # type: ignore return [data.problem for data in self.list_problem_data(session=session)]
[docs] def download_data(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> CodeforcesContestData: session = session or utils.get_default_session() url = '{}&from=1&count=1'.format(self.contest_id) resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) timestamp = data = json.loads(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding)) assert data['status'] == 'OK' return CodeforcesContestData._from_json(data['result']['contest'], response=resp, session=session, timestamp=timestamp)
[docs]class CodeforcesProblemData(ProblemData): # yapf: disable def __init__( self, *, name: str, points: Optional[int], problem: 'CodeforcesProblem', rating: int, response: requests.Response, session: requests.Session, tags: List[str], timestamp: datetime.datetime, type: str # TODO: in Python 3.5, you cannnot use both "*" and trailing "," ): # yapf: enable self._name = name self.points = points self._problem = problem self.rating = rating self._response = response self._session = session self.tags = tags self._timestamp = timestamp self.type = type @property def problem(self) -> 'CodeforcesProblem': return self._problem @property def name(self) -> str: return self._name @property def json(self) -> bytes: return self._response.content @property def response(self) -> requests.Response: return self._response @property def session(self) -> requests.Session: return self._session @property def timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: return self._timestamp @classmethod def _from_json(cls, row: Dict[str, Any], response: requests.Response, session: requests.Session, timestamp: datetime.datetime) -> 'CodeforcesProblemData': return CodeforcesProblemData( name=row['name'], points=(int(row['points']) if 'points' in row else None), problem=CodeforcesProblem(contest_id=row['contestId'], index=row['index']), rating=int(row['rating']), response=response, session=session, tags=row['tags'], timestamp=timestamp, type=row['type'], )
# NOTE: Codeforces has its API:
[docs]class CodeforcesProblem(onlinejudge.type.Problem): """ :ivar contest_id: :py:class:`int` :ivar index: :py:class:`str` :ivar kind: :py:class:`str` must be `contest` or `gym` """ def __init__(self, *, contest_id: int, index: str, kind: Optional[str] = None): assert isinstance(contest_id, int) assert 1 <= len(index) <= 2 assert index[0] in string.ascii_uppercase if len(index) == 2: assert index[1] in string.digits assert kind in (None, 'contest', 'gym', 'problemset') self.contest_id = contest_id self.index = index if kind is None: if self.contest_id < 100000: kind = 'contest' else: kind = 'gym' self.kind = kind # It seems 'gym' is specialized, 'contest' and 'problemset' are the same thing
[docs] def download_sample_cases(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List[onlinejudge.type.TestCase]: session = session or utils.get_default_session() # get resp = utils.request('GET', self.get_url(), session=session) # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) samples = onlinejudge._implementation.testcase_zipper.SampleZipper() for tag in soup.find_all('div', class_=re.compile('^(in|out)put$')): # Codeforces writes very nice HTML :) log.debug('tag: %s', str(tag)) assert len(list(tag.children)) title, pre = list(tag.children) assert 'title' in title.attrs['class'] assert == 'pre' s = '' for it in pre.children: if == 'br': s += '\n' else: s += it.string s = s.lstrip() samples.add(s.encode(), title.string) return samples.get()
[docs] def get_available_languages(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List[Language]: """ :raises NotLoggedInError: """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() # get resp = utils.request('GET', self.get_url(), session=session) # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) select = soup.find('select', attrs={'name': 'programTypeId'}) if select is None: raise NotLoggedInError languages = [] # type: List[Language] for option in select.findAll('option'): languages += [Language(option.attrs['value'], option.string)] return languages
[docs] def submit_code(self, code: bytes, language_id: LanguageId, *, filename: Optional[str] = None, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> onlinejudge.type.Submission: """ :raises NotLoggedInError: :raises SubmissionError: """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() # get resp = utils.request('GET', self.get_url(), session=session) # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) form = soup.find('form', class_='submitForm') if form is None: log.error('not logged in') raise NotLoggedInError log.debug('form: %s', str(form)) # make data form = utils.FormSender(form, url=resp.url) form.set('programTypeId', language_id) form.set_file('sourceFile', filename or 'code', code) resp = form.request(session=session) resp.raise_for_status() # result if resp.url.endswith('/my'): # example: log.success('success: result: %s', resp.url) return utils.DummySubmission(resp.url, problem=self) else: log.failure('failure') # parse error messages soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) msgs = [] # type: List[str] for span in soup.findAll('span', class_='error'): msgs += [span.string] log.warning('Codeforces says: "%s"', span.string) raise SubmissionError('it may be the "You have submitted exactly the same code before" error: ' + str(msgs))
[docs] def get_url(self) -> str: table = {} table['contest'] = '{}/problem/{}' table['problemset'] = '{}/{}' table['gym'] = '{}/problem/{}' return table[self.kind].format(self.contest_id, self.index)
[docs] def get_service(self) -> CodeforcesService: return CodeforcesService()
[docs] def get_contest(self) -> CodeforcesContest: assert self.kind != 'problemset' return CodeforcesContest(contest_id=self.contest_id, kind=self.kind)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional['CodeforcesProblem']: result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if result.scheme in ('', 'http', 'https') \ and result.netloc == '': # "0" is needed. example: # "[1-9]?" is sometime used. example: re_for_index = r'(0|[A-Za-z][1-9]?)' table = {} table['contest'] = r'^/contest/([0-9]+)/problem/{}$'.format(re_for_index) # example: table['problemset'] = r'^/problemset/problem/([0-9]+)/{}$'.format(re_for_index) # example: table['gym'] = r'^/gym/([0-9]+)/problem/{}$'.format(re_for_index) # example: for kind, expr in table.items(): m = re.match(expr, utils.normpath(result.path)) if m: if == '0': index = 'A' # NOTE: This is broken if there was "A1". else: index = return cls(contest_id=int(, index=index, kind=kind) return None
[docs] def download_data(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> CodeforcesProblemData: for data in self.get_contest().list_problem_data(session=session): if data.problem.get_url() == self.get_url(): return data assert False += [CodeforcesService] onlinejudge.dispatch.contests += [CodeforcesContest] onlinejudge.dispatch.problems += [CodeforcesProblem]