Source code for onlinejudge.service.topcoder

# Python Version: 3.x
the module for Topcoder (

:note: There is the offcial API
:note: only the Marathon Match is supported

import collections
import itertools
import re
import urllib.parse
import xml.etree.ElementTree
from typing import *

import bs4

import onlinejudge._implementation.logging as log
import onlinejudge._implementation.utils as utils
import onlinejudge.dispatch
import onlinejudge.type
from onlinejudge.type import *

[docs]class TopcoderService(onlinejudge.type.Service):
[docs] def login(self, *, get_credentials: onlinejudge.type.CredentialsProvider, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> None: """ :raises LoginError: """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() # NOTE: you can see this login page with url = '' username, password = get_credentials() data = { 'nextpage': '', 'module': 'Login', 'ha': username, 'pass': password, 'rem': 'on', } resp = utils.request('POST', url, session=session, data=data) if 'longcontest' not in resp.url: log.success('Success') else: log.failure('Failure') raise LoginError
[docs] def get_url_of_login_page(self): return ''
[docs] def is_logged_in(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> bool: """ .. versionadded:: 6.2.0 """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() url = '' resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) return soup.find('form', attrs={'name': 'frmLogin'}) is None
[docs] def get_url(self) -> str: return ''
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Topcoder'
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional['TopcoderService']: # example: result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if result.scheme in ('', 'http', 'https') \ and result.netloc in ['', '']: return cls() return None
TopcoderLongContestProblemStandingsRow = NamedTuple('TopcoderLongContestProblemStandingsRow', [ ('handle', str), ('score', Optional[float]), ('rank', Optional[int]), ('last_submission_time', Optional[str]), ('language', Optional[str]), ('example_tests', int), ('submissions', int), ('cr', int), ]) TopcoderLongContestProblemOverviewRow = NamedTuple('TopcoderLongContestProblemOverviewRow', [ ('rank', int), ('handle', str), ('provisional_rank', int), ('provisional_score', float), ('final_score', float), ('language', str), ('cr', int), ]) TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedSubmission = NamedTuple('TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedSubmission', [ ('number', int), ('score', float), ('language', str), ('time', str), ]) TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedTestCase = NamedTuple('TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedTestCase', [ ('test_case_id', int), ('score', float), ('processing_time', int), ('fatal_error_ind', int), ]) TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeed = NamedTuple('TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeed', [ ('round_id', int), ('coder_id', int), ('handle', str), ('submissions', List[TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedSubmission]), ('testcases', List[TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedTestCase]), ])
[docs]class TopcoderLongContestProblem(onlinejudge.type.Problem): def __init__(self, *, rd, cd=None, compid=None, pm=None): self.rd = rd = cd self.compid = compid = pm
[docs] def get_url(self) -> str: return '' + str(self.rd)
[docs] def get_service(self) -> TopcoderService: return TopcoderService()
[docs] def download_sample_cases(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List[onlinejudge.type.TestCase]: """ :raises NotImplementedError: """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url: str) -> Optional['TopcoderLongContestProblem']: # example: # example: # example: # example: result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if result.scheme in ('', 'http', 'https') \ and result.netloc == '' \ and utils.normpath(result.path) in ['/longcontest', '/tc']: querystring = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(result.query)) if 'rd' in querystring: kwargs = {} for name in ['rd', 'cd', 'compid', 'pm']: if name in querystring: kwargs[name] = int(querystring[name]) return cls(**kwargs) return None
[docs] def get_available_languages(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List[Language]: session = session or utils.get_default_session() return [ Language(LanguageId('1'), 'Java 8'), Language(LanguageId('3'), 'C++11'), Language(LanguageId('4'), 'C#'), Language(LanguageId('5'), 'VB'), Language(LanguageId('6'), 'Python 2'), ]
[docs] def submit_code(self, code: bytes, language_id: LanguageId, *, filename: Optional[str] = None, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, kind: str = 'example') -> onlinejudge.type.Submission: """ :param kind: must be one of `example` (default) or `full` :raises NotLoggedInError: :raises SubmissionError: """ assert kind in ['example', 'full'] session = session or utils.get_default_session() # TODO: implement self.is_logged_in() # if not self.is_logged_in(session=session): # raise NotLoggedInError # module=MatchDetails url = '' % self.rd resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) path = soup.find('a', text='Register/Submit').attrs['href'] assert path.startswith('/') and 'module=ViewReg' in path # module=ViewActiveContests url = '' + path resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) path = [tag.attrs['href'] for tag in soup.find_all('a', text='Submit') if ('rd=%d' % self.rd) in tag.attrs['href']] if len(path) == 0: log.error('link to submit not found: Are you logged in? Are you registered? Is the contest running?') raise SubmissionError('something wrong') assert len(path) == 1 path = path[0] assert path.startswith('/') and 'module=Submit' in path query = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(urllib.parse.urlparse(path).query)) = query['cd'] self.compid = query['compid'] # module=Submit submit_url = '' + path resp = utils.request('GET', submit_url, session=session) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) # post url = '' data = { 'module': 'Submit', 'rd': self.rd, 'cd':, 'compid': self.compid, 'Action': 'submit', 'exOn': { 'example': 'true', 'full': 'false' }[kind], 'lid': str(language_id), 'code': code, } resp = utils.request('POST', url, session=session, data=data) # check if module=SubmitSuccess if 'module=SubmitSuccess' in resp.content.decode(resp.encoding): url = '{}&cd={}&compid={}'.format(self.rd,, self.compid) log.success('success: result: %s', url) return utils.DummySubmission(url, problem=self) else: # module=Submit to get error messages resp = utils.request('GET', submit_url, session=session) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) messages = soup.find('textarea', {'name': 'messages'}).text log.failure('%s', messages) raise SubmissionError('it may be a rate limit: ' + messages)
[docs] def download_standings(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List[TopcoderLongContestProblemStandingsRow]: """ :raises Exception: if redirected to `module=ViewOverview` page .. versionadded:: 6.2.0 This method may be deleted in future. """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() rows = [] # type: List[TopcoderLongContestProblemStandingsRow] for start in itertools.count(1): # get url = '{}&nr=100&sr={}'.format(self.rd, start) resp = utils.request('GET', url, allow_redirects=False, session=session) if resp.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError('failed to get {}'.format(url)) # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) table = soup.find('table', class_='statTable') for tr in table.find_all('tr')[2:]: # NOTE: first two rows are headings row = collections.OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, str] tds = tr.find_all('td') texts = [td.text.strip() for td in tds] # NOTE: some cells may be empty strings assert len(texts) == 7 handle = texts[0] score = float(texts[1]) if texts[1] else None rank = int(texts[2]) if texts[2] else None last_submission_time = texts[3] or None language = texts[4] or None example_tests = int(tds[5].text) submissions = int(tds[6].text) href = (tds[5].find('a') or tds[6].find('a')).attrs['href'] query = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(urllib.parse.urlparse(href).query)) self.compid = query['compid'] rows += [TopcoderLongContestProblemStandingsRow(handle, score, rank, last_submission_time, language, example_tests, submissions, cr=int(query['cr']))] # check whether the next page exists link = soup.find('a', text='next >>') if link is None: break return rows
[docs] def download_overview(self, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> List[TopcoderLongContestProblemOverviewRow]: """ .. versionadded:: 6.2.0 This method may be deleted in future. """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() # get number = 9999 start = 1 url = '{}&nr={}&sr={}'.format(self.rd, number, start) resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) table = soup.find('table', class_='stat') overview = [] # type: List[TopcoderLongContestProblemOverviewRow] for tr in table.find_all('tr', class_=re.compile(r'light|dark')): tds = tr.find_all('td') assert len(tds) == 9 rank = int(tds[0].text) handle = tds[1].text.strip() provisional_rank = int(tds[2].text) provisional_score = float(tds[3].text) final_score = float(tds[4].text) language = tds[5].text.strip() assert tds[6].text.strip() == 'results' assert tds[7].text.strip() == 'submission history' assert tds[8].text.strip() == 'example history' query = dict(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(urllib.parse.urlparse(tds[6].find('a').attrs['href']).query)) = query['pm'] overview += [TopcoderLongContestProblemOverviewRow(rank, handle, provisional_rank, provisional_score, final_score, language, cr=int(query['cr']))] return overview
[docs] def download_individual_results_feed(self, *, cr: int, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeed: """ .. versionadded:: 6.2.0 This method may be deleted in future. """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() # get url = '{}&cr={}'.format(self.rd, cr) resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) # parse def get_text_at(node: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element, i: int) -> str: text = list(node)[i].text if text is None: raise ValueError return text root = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding)) assert len(list(root)) == 5 round_id = int(get_text_at(root, 0)) coder_id = int(get_text_at(root, 1)) handle = get_text_at(root, 2) submissions = [] # type: List[TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedSubmission] for submission in list(root)[3]: number = int(get_text_at(submission, 0)) score = float(get_text_at(submission, 1)) language = get_text_at(submission, 2) time = get_text_at(submission, 3) submissions += [TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedSubmission(number, score, language, time)] testcases = [] # type: List[TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedTestCase] for testcase in list(root)[4]: test_case_id = int(get_text_at(testcase, 0)) score = float(get_text_at(testcase, 1)) processing_time = int(get_text_at(testcase, 2)) fatal_error_ind = int(get_text_at(testcase, 3)) testcases += [TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeedTestCase(test_case_id, score, processing_time, fatal_error_ind)] return TopcoderLongContestProblemIndividualResultsFeed(round_id, coder_id, handle, submissions, testcases)
[docs] def download_system_test(self, *, test_case_id: int, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> str: """ :raises NotLoggedInError: :note: You need to parse this result manually. .. versionadded:: 6.2.0 This method may be deleted in future. """ session = session or utils.get_default_session() # get assert is not None url = '{}&pm={}&tid={}'.format(self.rd,, test_case_id) resp = utils.request('GET', url, session=session) # parse soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(resp.content.decode(resp.encoding), utils.html_parser) if soup.find('form', attrs={'name': 'frmLogin'}): raise NotLoggedInError return soup.find('pre').text += [TopcoderService] onlinejudge.dispatch.problems += [TopcoderLongContestProblem]